Hi, I'm Qinjian

Welcome to my site! This is my personal place to share some of my thoughts about interesting things I found in life and study. Feel free to hang around.
Recent Posts
Examples from Youtube video "Exploring Advanced TypeScript Concepts" by Headway
Lookup types
A nested type inside another type
type Route = {
origin: {...};
destination: {...};
type Origin = Route['origin'];
type Destination = Route['destination'];
export enum TaskType {
feature = "feature",
bug = "bug",
type Task<T = TaskType> = {
name: string;
type: T;
const whatever: Task = { name: "SSO", type: TaskType.feature };
Extract Utility Function
type Trip =
| { origin: { uuid: string; city: string; state: string } }
| { originUuid: string };
type TripWithOriginRef = Extract<Trip, { originUuid: string }>;
type TripWithOriginWhole = Extract<Trip, { origin: { uuid: string } }>;
const tripOriginRef = { originUuid: "123" };
const tripOriginWhole = {
origin: { uuid: "123", city: "Denvor", state: "Colorado" },
const isRef = (trip: Trip): trip is TripWithOriginRef => {
return trip.hasOwnProperty("originUuid");
const isDraft = (trip: Trip): trip is TripWithOriginWhole => {
return trip.hasOwnProperty("origin");
const result = [tripOriginRef, tripOriginWhole].filter(isRef);
Conditional Types
type Diesel = {
type: "petroleum" | "bio" | "synthetic";
type Gasoline = {
type: "hybrid" | "conventional";
type Bus = {
engine: Diesel;
type Car = {
engine: Gasoline;
type Engine<T> = T extends { engine: unknown } ? T["engine"] : never;
type BusEngine = Engine<Bus>;
const bugEngine: BusEngine = {
type: "bio",
const carEngine: Engine<Car> = {
type: "hybrid",
type Bicycle = {
power: "limbs";
type NoEngine = Engine<Bicycle>;
// const noEngine: NoEngine = { type: "limbs" };
// Type '{ type: string; }' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2322)
enum Priority {
const backlog = {
releases: [
name: "Sprint 1",
epics: [
name: "Account Management",
tasks: [
{ name: "SSO", priority: Priority.mustHave },
{ name: "Email Notifications", priority: Priority.mustHave },
type Unarray<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : T;
type Release = Unarray<typeof backlog["releases"]>;
import React from "react";
import { Button, ButtonProps } from "@material-ui/core";
// you don't want people to change the variant of your button
type Props = Omit<ButtonProps, "variant">;
const BrandButton: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, variant, ...rest }) => {
return <Button {...rest}>{children}</Button>;
and Omit
in TypeScript have same semantics with those in lodash
, they work on types instead of objects.
Front-end programming topics
To be a well-rounded front-end programmer, one should have a solid understanding of underlying mechanism of tools she uses. Some might think that knowing how to use the tools is good enough, but the mistakes usually come from the lack of understanding. What’s worse, these mistakes are not easy to detect since ones who make them might not realize they are mistakes.
The topics in this post are all about my own understandings, there might be mistakes. So if you find any, do contact me via Email.
Quick Sort
Quick sort implementation and problems related to it.