About me

09 Aug 2022

Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to know a little about me. My name is Qinjian. I have immersed in study of computer science for almost two years. Prior to this, I had been a business student for nearly six years. I love technology and enjoy learning it and want to share my experiences with like-minded.

The reason I started this website was that I wanted to put my learning to use, make something nice and build a cozy place for myself to share my thoughts. In addition, a lot of times I encountered a problem, I googled it, solved it and then I forgot about it, next time it would come back and bite me again. Also, I hope whoever comes to my website will find the stuff I wrote and noted helpful.

My experience in programming is mostly about front-end web development and I enjoy doing it. I have interned as a front-end developer at Alibaba for six months, during which I have grown a lot both in front-end development and general programming. Now, I am graduating from University of New South Wales with a degree in Information Technology and it is time to move to the next phase of my life as a professional developer.

I am sure my life in programming and technology will be a long and fruit journey.