Examples from Youtube video "Exploring Advanced TypeScript Concepts" by Headway
12 Aug 2022
Lookup types
A nested type inside another type
type Route = {
origin: {...};
destination: {...};
type Origin = Route['origin'];
type Destination = Route['destination'];
export enum TaskType {
feature = "feature",
bug = "bug",
type Task<T = TaskType> = {
name: string;
type: T;
const whatever: Task = { name: "SSO", type: TaskType.feature };
Extract Utility Function
type Trip =
| { origin: { uuid: string; city: string; state: string } }
| { originUuid: string };
type TripWithOriginRef = Extract<Trip, { originUuid: string }>;
type TripWithOriginWhole = Extract<Trip, { origin: { uuid: string } }>;
const tripOriginRef = { originUuid: "123" };
const tripOriginWhole = {
origin: { uuid: "123", city: "Denvor", state: "Colorado" },
const isRef = (trip: Trip): trip is TripWithOriginRef => {
return trip.hasOwnProperty("originUuid");
const isDraft = (trip: Trip): trip is TripWithOriginWhole => {
return trip.hasOwnProperty("origin");
const result = [tripOriginRef, tripOriginWhole].filter(isRef);
Conditional Types
type Diesel = {
type: "petroleum" | "bio" | "synthetic";
type Gasoline = {
type: "hybrid" | "conventional";
type Bus = {
engine: Diesel;
type Car = {
engine: Gasoline;
type Engine<T> = T extends { engine: unknown } ? T["engine"] : never;
type BusEngine = Engine<Bus>;
const bugEngine: BusEngine = {
type: "bio",
const carEngine: Engine<Car> = {
type: "hybrid",
type Bicycle = {
power: "limbs";
type NoEngine = Engine<Bicycle>;
// const noEngine: NoEngine = { type: "limbs" };
// Type '{ type: string; }' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2322)
enum Priority {
const backlog = {
releases: [
name: "Sprint 1",
epics: [
name: "Account Management",
tasks: [
{ name: "SSO", priority: Priority.mustHave },
{ name: "Email Notifications", priority: Priority.mustHave },
type Unarray<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : T;
type Release = Unarray<typeof backlog["releases"]>;
import React from "react";
import { Button, ButtonProps } from "@material-ui/core";
// you don't want people to change the variant of your button
type Props = Omit<ButtonProps, "variant">;
const BrandButton: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, variant, ...rest }) => {
return <Button {...rest}>{children}</Button>;
and Omit
in TypeScript have same semantics with those in lodash
, they work on types instead of objects.